
Suzumiya Haruhi series

Author: Nagaru Tanigawa

Illustrator: Noizi Ito

Country: Japan

Subject: High School

Genre: Light Novel, Fantasy

Publisher: Kadokawa Shoten

Publication date: June 6, 2006 - ongoing

Source: Kinokunia Book Store

Rating: 5+/5

Read: First three volumes

The Suzumiya Haruhi franchise is very famous throughout Japan, China and Taiwan. Originated from light novels, it has been transferred to manga, movie and TV anime. The author and illustrator of this novel soon became very famous. With more than 10 million sales in Asia, this series is of the best selling light novel in Asia. In this book, the author creates a story about a high school girl - Suzumiya Haruhi. Her ability is very powerful indeed, she can change the world easily in seconds and yet she doesn't know about her power.

I have read many light novels and mangas since I was a little boy. What is so adorable about them is that you won't get bored even you read them over and over again. This series is the perfect example, as I always carry the books around and start reading whenever I can. It is really fascinating when all the strange things - such as the appearance of Aliens, Espers and Time - Travellers in the novel. Suzumiya Haruhi leads me to the fantasy world, where I could fly in my imagination.

I just finished reading the newest English version of [The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya]; it is good that I can combine my interest and the study of English together.


Melancholy: A gloomy state of mind. esp. when habitual or prolonged; depression.

Boredom: The state of being bored; tedium; ennui.

Describe the main character. How is she / he like or unlike you? How interesting is she / he to read about?

Haruhi Suzumiya is a junior high school girl in Japan, which is same as my grade level here. She has very strange personalities; sometimes she likes to do all those weird things. I think we share quite a lot of behaviors. Haruhi always likes to fantasy about those that don't exist in the real life, such as aliens and espers. I also like to dream about many things that are not quite possible.

Other resources about the book:

Wikipedia - En - 23:39, 11 August 2009

