
Reading Profile

Reading is a good habit which I have since I was very young. I always love to read books before I sleep. I love to read all types of books, from fairy tales to those hard to understand science books. But I like Comic books and fiction books the best.

My favorite series is the 'Harry Potter', written by British author J. K. Rowling. It is one of the most famous fiction book in the world. I love how the author describes a totally different world from us. I also like the book 'Eragon'. This is the story written by American author Christopher Paolini.

For non-fiction books, I simply love Stephen Hawking's 'A Brief History of Time'. Although some parts are sort of hard to understand for me, it is still one of my favorite books.

In High School, I will be reading a lot of English books. I will also try to read those books I don't really like to read, such as poetries written by William Shakespeare or something.

