
A Briefer History of Time

Author: Stephen Hawking, Leonard Mlodinow

Country: United States of America

Subject: The Universe

Genre: Popular science

Publisher: Bantam Books

Publication date: 2005

Source: Book Store

Rating: 5/5

Read: Whole article

Stephen Hawking is probably one of the most well-known physicist today. He became very famous after the book 'A Brief History of Time'. Together with Leonard Mlodinow, they published a even briefer version - 'A Briefer History of time'. In this book, they addressed the nature of space and time. It is very easy to comprehend since they have simplified the explanations.

I have read many of Stephen Hawking's books from childhood. However this book is my favorite among all because it is easier to understand and it really explains a lot about the mysterious universe. It reviews the secrets of Black Hole, Time Travel and even the Big Bang. This book made me to think deeper than ever and it answered many difficult question of mine.


Wormhole: (Physics) Feature of spacetime which has the capability to 'shortcut' through space and time.

Big Bang: A theory believed by many modern scientists which states that the Universe started at a certain point in time. In other words, the universe has a definite beginning.

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Although Doctor Hawking had simplified the explanations, I found that some sections of the book could have been further simplified so that even the primary school students can enjoy reading it.

Other resources about the book:

BBC NEWS - Sci/Tech - Monday, 15 October, 2001

4 条评论:

  1. Good job! you made me surprised with your ages ^^

  2. hey there, keep up the good work, you're doing well. =) jia you! =D

  3. Timothy,
    This is GREAT work.
    Do you know these people reading your blog???
    I am very pleased with your work Timothy it's great to have such a hard working student!!!
    You are also demonstrating an excellent standard.
    This sounds like a very interesting book. If you have it I might like to borrow it if you don't mind???
    Mrs Farrer
