
The Inheritance Cycle series

Author: Christopher Paolini

Country: United States of America

Subject: The Alagaësia

Genre: Young Adult

Publisher: Alfred A. Knopf

Publication date: 2002 - ongoing

Source: MS library

Rating 4.5/5

Read: First book

The Inheritance Cycle is a book series written by American author Christopher Paolini. He became very famous after his first High Fantasy book - Eragon. It placed on the New York Times Best Seller list for 121 weeks. This series took place in the fictional continent 'Alaga
ësia'. The story starts with Eragon, a 15-year-old farm boy in Carvahall, finds a dragon's egg. Later in the story, the protagonist fights against the evil king - Galbatorix and his mighty empire.

I really love this book a lot. This is the first English fantasy book I have ever read. Before I saw this book in the Middle School Library, I was still reading 'Harry Potter' with Chinese translation. The language of this book is not so hard to understand and it doesn't require much reading skill. This is a good book for everyone to read. The book Eragon was adapted into a movie with the same name and story on 2006.

I am preparing to read the second and the third series of The Inheritance Circle. The fourth book is going to be published soon after.

4 条评论:

  1. I tried to find pictures,
    but I couldn't find the right one...
    Where do you get your pictures?

  2. Oh, just search in google...

    I think the size will be fixed (zoom in or out) after you put it there.

  3. maybe google doesn't like me!
    it doesn't give me the right picture any way...

  4. Ya... maybe they think the taiwanese's Yahoo took their business...

    So try yahoo...
