
My language Incident

The incident happened about three years ago while I was still a SPP student. I can still remember almost everything even until now. I got into serious trouble because of this incident.

It was a sunny day three years from now. The first period was English and our class started as usual. Our English teacher was a very kind looking Australian lady and she teaches SPP students. I can't recall her name now, since she taught us just for a short period of time.

After twenty minutes of class time, our English teacher made us to draw a picture of her and wrote down some nice thing to describe her. I was not good at drawing, so I quickly finished the artwork and started to write some adjectives. Can you imagine how limited is the vocabulary for a SPP 1 student? The only things came out are like 'fun, interesting, pretty...'. The most horrible thing was, I included the word 'old' in my description, which is a unforgivable mistake.

When I handed in my work to my teacher, she looked fine with her expression at first. But after she saw that evil word I had written to describe her, the English teacher turned her face down on me.

'Do I look old?' my English teacher asked to me. What I had done next made it even worse, I said 'You look like my grandmother.' (My grandmother was fifty-five years old that year and my English teacher was probably more than sixty)

She misunderstood me again, I wasn't trying to insult my English teacher for her age. She sent me to the principal's office. I ended up having a detention in the office for 'insulting' my teacher.

This taught me a great lesson – be very careful about you language use.

