
Chicken Soup for the Soul

Author: Jack Canfield; Mark Victor Hansen

Country: United States of America

Subject: Life

Genre: Non - Fantasy, Essay

Publisher: Health Communications, Inc.

Publication date: 1993 - present

Rating: 4/5

Read: Some parts of it

Chicken Soup for the Soul is a very famous series of books both in the United States and the world. This series is featuring a number of inspirational and motivational stories. Authors around the world write essays in this series. Therefore, there are many good stories written down. Numerous volumes have been published since 1993; many of the books are specified for groups of people. All of them are under the title 'Chicken Soup'.

I personally like this series because the stories are very well written. I will also recommand this series to anyone who has problems in life. Some of the essays, such as 'All in a Day's work' and 'A Pebble in the Water' are really heart warming and inspiring. These stories give a lot of understanding about life. I have read some of the stories and I found most of them good to read.